If you are between the ages of 18 and 55 and have been diagnosed with relapsing multiple sclerosis (MS), you may qualify for a voluntary research study at CSNA.
We are inviting you to be involved in a research study to find out if participants receiving ofatumumab (OMB157G) can produce a response to the influenza (flu) vaccine.
Ofatumumab is a medication administered as a subcutaneous (under the skin) injection. Ofatumumab was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in August 2020 for relapsing forms of MS.
In order to quality, you must:
• Be between the ages of 18 and 55
• Have been diagnosed with relapsing MS
• Have not received this season’s flu vaccine yet
• Are starting or currently being treated with ofatumumab OR
• On an injectable disease-modifying therapy (iDMT) for MS
Qualified participants will:
- Continue to receive their standard care
- Receive the flu vaccine at no cost
- Have the opportunity to participate in an optional 6-month extension study and receive ofatumumab at no cost (if that is part of your current treatment)
To participate in this study, you must be willing to receive the 2020-2021 flu vaccine. The flu vaccine will be provided at no charge to you. At the end of the study, you may be eligible to participate in a 6-month open-label study where you will receive ofatumumab at no cost during your participation.
If you are interested in participating and have not received the flu vaccine yet this season (2020-2021), our team can explain the details of the clinical research study to you. You can then decide whether or not to participate.
To see if you qualify for this voluntary research study, or to refer a family member or friend, please call our Research office at 716-389-1126 for more information.